We Cling to Realities

We cling to realities

That never existed

And will never be

People without hate

Lands without injustice

A world without war

A moment without pain

Longing for times

That will not come

Love and peace and understanding

Which elude us

These are but shadows


Aspirations without form or substance

Specters haunting us in the night

Fading mists in the cruel light of day

Yet we still pursue them

Thinking we see them in the corner of our eye

Ethereal presences

Skittering just outside our perception

Is such longing



Or delusion?

Regardless which

They hover ‘round us

Orbiting our consciousness

Ideals if not fact

And thus we crave them still

Clinging to realities

That never existed

And may never be

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter