
The loser with loss of faith wanders aimlessly

The full moon is a sarcasm to his wanting hope

Its bleak ashy color is worse than that of a lifeless face

The only appeasement for the ill-fated man is

To trample moonlight under his feet

The earth beneath however quenches his stomping

The wind is not any better

Its mumbles are ridicules to the hapless

Ofttimes it gives out cold laughter

blowing away the loser’s deep sighs

Trees are accomplices all together

They scoop up dispiriting messages from the wind

And brew them up to sour notes

That rustles of leaves are their singing of elegy

The stars perching high are cold onlookers

Indifferent to the adversity

Go on with their twinkling flirts

Relish their celestial jamboree

The darkness is a voracious monster

Devours brightness and hopes

Covers up all tears and despair

Goes on pretending nothing wrong on Earth

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States