
Life is a masked ball,

a disguise for cheats.

Costumes always fall,

exposing concrete.

Some will want no end

to their masquerade,

comforts play pretend,

truth makes them afraid.

I too was a clown,

living in a lie,

till I heard the sounds,

of my heartbeats cry.

I made my life real

facing all I knew,

I then learned to feel

clearing all my views.

Push all masks aside

unveil a new life,

the soul will then guide,

shielding inner strife.

Laughs will sound sincere,

all smiles become pure,

joys also appear,

once pretend is cured.

By Grace Y. Estevez 

From: United States

Website: https://graceofthesun.com/

Twitter: GraceoftheSun1

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/GraceoftheSun