
Lyric for an 80s-style synth/pop song reflected on the consequences of a decadent, hedonistic lifestyle. Lyrics in parentheses are intended as choral backup.


Intro: (Trapped) x4*

Verse 1: I was once young and free

Livin’ for only me

No thought I’d ever be


Life of drugs, booze and vice

Women who I’d entice

But now I pay the price


Chorus: (Trapped) - My back’s against the wall

(Trapped) - What I had, lost it all

No more just take and use

That’s a sure way to lose

Now’s time to pay my dues


Verse 2: My “yes’s” turned to “no’s”

From highs I sunk so low

Got nowhere left to go


Ran bills I couldn’t pay

All I had’s gone away

Karma’s a bitch, they say


Chorus: (Trapped) - Friends, fun and wealth all flown

(Trapped) - I’m left here all alone

Locked up without a key

Chains I forged binding me

No way out I can see


Interlude: (Trapped) x8

Chorus: (Trapped) - Bird in a rusted cage

(Trapped) - Solo on darkened stage

No goin’ back in time

Life sentence for my crime

Prison of my design


Outro: (Trapped) x8 and fade

*Parts in parentheses are choral back-up

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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