
‘Twas a transient existence

Moving place to place

Time to time

Relationship to relationship

Each stop along the way one of transaction

With deep, moving, intimate interactions with others

Lasting only so long as to sustain the moment

Then detaching, and moving on

No looking back

No sustained friends, no networked former colleagues

Forging new relationships as circumstances required

Said circumstances always changing

There are those who say he abandoned them

Ghosting, a spirit

There one day, gone the next

Not around when they needed him

There is truth in this

Yet, for the time they were together

Was he not there for them, then?

And they for him?

‘Tis true, he was the one who moved on

Whilst they remain fixed in a moment

Perhaps their reflections are more a matter

Of their dealing with the reality of his departure

Or perhaps this is his rationalization

Likely, a combination of the two

But for the period they occupied the same place

His devotion was sincere, real, powerful

He went through hell with some of them

Drawing on each other’s strength as required

Though he senses their need was greater than his own

He cannot say he fully provided to them

But neither did they wholly satisfy him

And perhaps, in the end, that is why he moved on

A recognition that he had given all he could to a particular person

Or that their relationship was based on the set of circumstances

Which thrust them together

For without those circumstances, they would not have met, or interacted

And most relationships ended

When the circumstances changed

And he found there was no deeper foundation to keep them together

Like a shark

He is always moving, in order to live, survive

He cannot stop and stay in one place

‘Tis his nature

And he cannot bring others with him

For they exist in their discreet time and appointed place

Where they belong

Wherein he recalls them, sometimes fondly

But where he himself

Was just passing through

By Mike Turner

From: United States


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