To Write Where The Words Take You

I don't know what this poem will be about yet

I wanted just to sit down and write

Because while the summer heat scrapes off my skin

I enjoy basking in the sunsets light

Are there still stories I can tell in these words?

As my mind has a mountain to say

But will these words stick in the conclave called memory

Or with the river rapids go racing far away?

I want to think that my rhymes convey special meanings

My emotions cut confusion down the middle

Still sometimes I question the rhythm of my blunt words

And whether I should fluff them up a little

I'm not absent of chaotic realities

Just look when I rhyme about the stars

Let me talk about the dreams I have when delirium has taken over

But I choose to remain as grounded as space and mars

Spinning in a perfect pattern

As life goes down its hill

Unable to be thrown astray

By a void atmospheric chill

So I guess that while I don't know the purpose

I write because I love to write this way

And while I may not know all the answers of the future

I'm content with what I got to write today

By Nate McCall

From: United States

Instagram: poetryofnm