The Nature of Change

Consider the caterpillar

Born a lowly worm

Dedicated to one task:

Preparing for its appointed time

To enter its chrysalis

And through magical transformation

Emerge, changed, as the butterfly

Painted with colors unknown to the worm

Winged for flight as an angel

Lowly no more

But now soaring the heavens

Its hues part of the palette of Nature

Consider too the young child

Her mind open to experience and learning

Hungering for discovery



Ever curious

Ever searching

And, growing into adulthood

Taking her place in society

Leading, teaching, growing

Unlocking the mysteries of life

And sharing them to the betterment of all

Her life a part of the brilliance of Humanity

But then also consider

The child who ceases to seek

To inquire

To learn

Whose mind closes to facts

And grows instead to embrace Fear



Rejecting Truth

Adopting conspiracy theories

To justify his warped point of view

Closing himself off from society

In lieu of “me” and “mine”

Recall the caterpillar becoming the butterfly

And realize that Nature embraces change

As Improvement



And that “change” not meeting this aesthetic

Is unnatural

Against Nature

And that such unnatural change in Man

Is against the progress

Of Humanity

Pursue change

In all its Truth


And Beauty

And revel

In the new world it may make

And the transformation

Which true change brings

By Mike Turner

From: United States


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