The Extraordinary You

You're a gift to the world. Breathe that in. Feel it. Embrace it. Admit it


What if you thought of yourself as extraordinary? Do you know how amazing you are?

These are bold questions. They require bold answers.

It’s a bold stance to ask the universe to affirm your greatness. It’s a daring move to tell others that you’re amazing.

How many of us have had these statements answered with, “Who do you think you are”, or, “Don’t be arrogant”, or, “You must think that you’re better than everyone else”.

My response to these questions must be that I’m a child of God. I’m a child of the universe, a loving Power, the One. We all have a different name for this Source of love and peace in our lives. The name is not as important as knowing that this Power exists.

Knowing that there is a wonderful and loving Power, I can powerfully state that I am magnificent. I’m sure you’ve heard it said that God don’t make no junk. If I’m a part of the human race then I can safely say that I’m magnificent, and so can you.

There are days when I question my magnificence. I make a mistake at work. I have an unloving thought. I have a very unloving thought. I react with anger towards someone I care about. I respond to others by distancing myself. In general, I act like someone who is not embracing his magnificence.

In those moments I see myself as extraordinary, but not in a life affirming way.

There are ways that I can get in touch with the reality of who I am.

I have a spiritual toolbox of sorts that I can pull from in times of need. I would like to share three tools that help me to remember who I am.

The first thing I can pull out of my spiritual toolbox is the tool of gratitude. Gratitude will work every time when I fall into the trap of self-pity or thinking that I’m somehow less than. Gratitude drives home the reality that there are many things going right. When I start to see one thing going well, I start to see other things going well. Gratitude is an illuminator. It helps me to see things I couldn’t when I was putting myself down.

The next tool is meditation. Meditation never fails to remind me of the truth of who I am. When I get quiet, I hear the intuitive nudges that will put me on a good course again.

And, the third tool I would like to share is asking for feedback from a good friend. There is nothing like hearing the kind and reassuring words of someone you know cares about you. There have been many times in my life when a friend has done for me what I couldn’t do for myself. I learned to love myself, because my friends loved me first. That’s how it’s worked for me. I don’t think I’m alone. It’s this way for many people. It may be that way for you.

I pray that my sharing will remind you that you are not alone. If you struggle with feeling extraordinary, know that you’re not the only one. Sometimes it’s difficult to feel great when the world puts unreasonable expectations or pressures on you to perform or be perfect.

I want to encourage you to remember your greatness. I want you to hold your head up high, because you are a child of God. I hope that you remember that your life is an extraordinary gift to the world.

Yes, you’re a gift to the world. Breathe that in. Feel it. Embrace it. Admit it.

It feels good. And, if it doesn’t feel good that’s OK too. On some days it doesn’t feel good for me either. That’s why we need each other.

You are extraordinary. Everyone benefits when you admit this truth and embrace the reality of who you are.

By John C. Davis

From: United States


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