The Divine Feminine

Ready or not, here She comes - a coral dawn under clear sky, a tidal wave of light washing over the horizon. Now She rises, throwing off a long night’s veil, erasing shadows, painting love where her gaze falls. Sea winds follow her across the land, enchanted by the familiar life-giving magic, bringing news of Mother’s return to every sleeping child. She is reborn, and the roots of ancient trees stir under her feet.

On She walks - the power and joy of Creation, a planetary force nothing under the Sun can argue with. Like a primal spell beyond time She glides across light-drenched valleys and shimmering waves, crystalline rings of stardust orbiting her eternal hips that have brought all life into the world, cradled in love. Every step a swing of celestial pendulum from the Moon to the Sun, from beginning to end, and back again; all ebb and flow balanced and contained in a perfect circle of life.

Now you feel her heartbeat like a steady, low rhythm of a drum that never stops, so familiar because it matches your own - a distant echo of the first explosion of light that sent the galaxies spinning. As you listen you remember how She speaks - in fairy laughter sprinkling the meadows, in a jolting roll of thunder, in a roar of a mountain avalanche, in a hushed murmur of a forest stream.

Now She looks at you and there is rain on your cheeks because nothing but your true essence is reflected back at you.

She is the original Goddess, the Mother of miracles, holding the world in a tight embrace as the winds of change carry it to the new dawn. She is the greatest Sorceress whispering to the spirals of the Milky Way, that her children may always find their way home when they see lights in the night sky and hear the music of the stars. She is the ultimate Artist, weaving the threads of our dreams together in a never-ending tapestry, so that we may know all we can be.

Now I see you, Divine Feminine, and I see myself in new light. One more child is awake to your magic today.

By Yuliya Runnels-Moss

From: United Kingdom