The Cold Month Of December

Maybe I will get my answer someday

Maybe my heart will find solace

Cause it needs its place

Where life comes and stays

Maybe my prayers are unanswered

Maybe my efforts don't matter

Cause it's too hard to see all those

Where once it longed to have in life

Is now shattered in storms

Maybe it's a part of life

Maybe it's a lesson in disguise

Leaving all those hopes asides

To learn and to dive

To rise and to find surprise

Though it's completely broken now

The hope lost and gained and lost in a shadow of choice

Leaving those remnants of words as a far sung voice

Makes me wonder how has the fate

That once again had risen in the cold month of December where it started is now coming to end

Oh it was full of pain

All the efforts and prayers went in vain

Wondering travelling into the air filled with words of gem

That was only I had

Is now the memories

That will be stored deep down into the heart filled with the love of ocean

Which was never tasted and will remain as untouched feelings of the soul that once listened to call of heaven.

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

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