Sage With Umbrella Watches The Collapse Of The Modern World

To mark the 20th anniversary of 9-11-01


…remember It was a perfect summer day The kind that only seems to occur In early September, With a sky so azure It seemed to glow with some Inner luminescence And the vivid color finish They spray on new cars in Detroit, The ice blue sports cars and Peacock blue…

By Doug Tanoury

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The Mary White

Mary White's dream is to build a rescue boat that will save lives. This is a novel based on an…


…just me on his back, Hercules pounds off at great speed. Up on the cliff path, we cover the five miles to Stone Bay in less than ten minutes. As I head for the beach, there is already a crowd of spectators gathered, some to watch, others to help. No doubt there’ll be looters waiting for cargo to be washed…

By Gillie Bowen

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White on Wight

This is the first chapter of my current WIP


…married? At your age, Tom?” My uncle Thomas looked up from the drafting board in surprise.

“Well, I am twenty-one, and Elizabeth is twenty in November,” I said with a smile.

“Twenty-one? I still think of you as a young lad! How long have your worked at the…

By Gillie Bowen

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The Place Which Never Existed

…enormous, at least two-metre thick, concrete double door slides open, and a dark and cool throat of the mountain is almost sucking me in. My jaw has dropped. No…I’m not reading you an excerpt from some horror or thriller novel, and my name is not James Bond.

I’m standing on the doorstep of the once top-secret facility on the Black Sea coast and now the Naval Museum Complex Balaklava on the south-east of Crimean peninsula, just a stone-throw away from the city of…

By L. Salt

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Caledonia #2

...intricate tapestry of two young women separated by three centuries...


...many ventured down the close. The dark passageway gave no hint that it led to a large square courtyard surrounded by four- and five-story houses. One of them was mine. The alley was named Cheery Close; probably someone’s poor attempt at humor. It was one of many that spread like tree branches off the main trunk, The Royal Mile.

The close, and especially the courtyard, was a sea of heaving mud. Some residents poked fun at Sir Isaac Newton’s recent findings that the watery muck reacted to the moon’s…

By Sherry V. Ostroff

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