Sleigh Day

I leapt behind the horses of my mind’s imagined sleigh

As snow had fallen overnight to softly greet the day

I grabbed the reins and cracked the whip and off across the hills

A speeding sleigh, what better way, to leave behind mind’s ills.

Behind two finely figured mares, jet black with braided manes

We quickly passed by farmer’s fence, across his furrowed plains

Down the hill towards the brook my steeds have found their pace

Their strength and speed increasing, though they know it’s not a race.

The clinging snow bent heavily the boughs of blue-green spruce

Which in the draft of swift-pulled sleigh, huge clumps of snow let loose

Along the course of winding brook past birches lining banks

The coal-black shoulders of my team contrast with frosted flanks.

The clouds are stingy with the holes that let the sun peek through

Creating frosty diamonds seen against small patch of blue

Just like a real-life snow-globe, they fall behind my wake

Settling into runners tracks to erase the path we make.

Even with the wind upon my face, no cold was felt

The sleigh became a church in which whose altar I now knelt

Thankful of the skills with which my mind had found to cope

I came back to reality and its promise of new hope.

By James Geehring

From: United States

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