S/he Wanted To Become A Football Player

Gender fluidity: he <--> sh/e <---> she


-- thanks to Persons of Nonbinary Gender — Awareness, Visibility,

and Health Disparities, 20December2018, New England Journal of Medicine.


agender, gender

fluid, genderqueer,

gender-nonconforming, third

intersex, whatever terminology:

in many cultures throughout history,

some people have identified as neither

male nor female, or as nonbinary outside

boundaries of a strict male–female dichotomy.

Myself more or less cisgender - meaning identity

aligned with sex assigned at birth - student during Sixties

never tutored by Harvard Medical School plastic surgeons

in anything except how to make incisions to remove vagina

then replace it with artificial phallus plus two synthetic balls

with sterile care so there’s no foreign body reaction & infection;

in retrospect, now knowing what was primarily unknown back in

those sad days, I am ashamed how badly we treated that thick bearded

lady who came in taking testosterone, instead of realizing he was transgender.

By Gerard Sarnat

From: United States

Website: http://gerardsarnat.com