
Is this my fault

Did I do this to you

Should I have known better

Am I to blame

Made you lose sight

Pulled you in like a riptide

Who was I then

Just a girl looking for a friend

You don't wanna know who I was

How far I had gone

How desperate I was

Should've said no

Not let myself go

But because

Because of the laughs

The late nights we can't take back

Why is it I couldn't calm the seas

Trade it in for a lake without tides

Friends forced to take sides

All because of you and I

Is this my fault

Did I do this to you

Led you astray

Should I have known better

Am I to blame

For pulling you away

Made you lose sight

Pulled you in like a riptide

Am I not good enough

Does my personality just not make the cut

Am I too far gone

Too much of a flirt

Wouldn't belong in your church

Scarlet letter

I should've known better

But because

Because of the attention

All the nights of returned flirtation

Why couldn't I calm the waters

Stop the spiral from going down

Am I the reason they made you leave town

All because of you and I

Is this my fault

Did I do this to you

Led you astray

Should I have known better

Am I to blame

For pulling you away

Made you lose sight

Pulled you in like a riptide

It took me three long months

To break the spell you had on me

Finally lay it down to rest

I promised this wasn't the end

He'd always be my friend

Broken heart

Lied about his part

But because

Because of my nature

I'm giving you a second chance

Was I ever in the wrong

Did I really cause this

So blind that I did miss

All along you knew the rules

Whatever the cause

Whatever the price

In a year

We'll see if it really was my riptide

By Kate Emerson

From: United States

Instagram: katiesadie00

Twitter: katiesadie00