Our Pursuit

Isn’t that what we are after in life

To promote our overall well-being

A mélange of health, happiness

And many other uplifting bolsters

We work hard, trudge forward

Reap the fruits of our labor

On the bumpy journey

We stumble over rocks

Some hard-earned collections

Lost from our harvest baskets

Often we are dazzled by shiny objects

Neglect small-demure ones

We sacrifice the lasting peace

For more temporary pleasure

Then comes a time when

Health is challenged by illness or aging

We learn to change our perspective

Stretch other components

In the well-being formula

To fill the void of lost fitness

Looking at our baskets we realize

What bring us contentment

Aren’t expensive items

We appreciate priceless things more

Like love, peace, art and nature

As they turn bitter to sweet and

Bring us perpetual well-being

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States