Positive Attitude

"Positive Attitude" is a poem that shows when things in life try to bring you down just keep a positive attitude & you will succeed.


I rose from my bed

with a smile on my face

thinking today is going to be a beautiful day.

Then I open the windows

and my allergies kick in,

but I don’t care

I love breathing in fresh air.

I check my messages,

there are quite a few,

the tax man says

my house taxes are due.

No need to worry

I just go outside to my garden

and toss a coin in the wishing well,

then drive to a playground of neon lights

with bells and whistles.

I pull out some green

to feed a hungry machine

when suddenly a jackpot

flashes across the screen.

Now my duty is fulfilled,

positivity pays off,

no more rain clouds hovering,

I’m going to play a game of golf.

By Brenda Arledge

Website: https://hubpages.com/@brendaarledge

Instagram: brendajarledge

Twitter: aug10cj

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.arledge.3