Ocean Winds

A song lyric inspired by standing on a sandy shore, looking out to sea and contemplating what the ocean winds portend…


Winds of change blowing

In from the sea

Are they changing the world

Or just changing me?

Movers and shakers

Stand at the gate

Do they bring on adventure

Or just a sad fate?

‘midst mirth and merry

The howling storms rage

Do they write the next chapter

Or turn the last page?

Posers and charlatans

Claim to be wise

Are we guided by truth

Or seduced by their lies?

Over and over

World turns around

Does it renew our souls

Or just grind us down?

Life travels onward

The end is in sight

Subtle twilight I s falling

Into dark endless night

And when all is over

I just want to know

Was there value and purpose?

Or was all just for show?

Winds of change blowing

In from the sea

Are they changing the world

Or just changing me?

Do the ocean winds blowing

Change the world

Or just me?

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter