Losing Faith

Losing Faith is a poem that describes how one feels when he faces a battle in life. He reaches out to God on bended knee, but his prayers go unanswered. He is left in remorse as his faith distinguishes.


I feel the pain twisting inside my heart

as my feet stumble on this narrow path,

fearing I might fall deeper down this abyss.

I feel like I am coming apart at the seams

with steam exploding from the top of my head,

my body jumping at the slightest noise.

Lost and forsaken

attempting to salvage those scattered pieces,

searching relentlessly for my soul.

Nearing the brink

with my frail fingers reaching to the heavens,

on bended knee

I call out his name,

pleading desperately for help

only to discover my prayer unanswered.

My faith distinguished

like the wick of a candle burning at both ends,

leaving me lost in remorse.

By Brenda Arledge

From: United States

Website: https://hubpages.com/@brendaarledge

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