Corona, You Are Boring Me!

This is a poem about a person being in lockdown for too long. He is fed up with coronavirus and has a plan to stop it. He's going out on his porch to zap it with his bug zapper.



you are boring me,

forcing me to watch reruns on tv,

tossing and turning beneath the covers,

never a good night’s sleep.

At first, I didn’t care,

I relished the peace and quiet,

but now you've gone too far,

my mind has lost its marbles.

My house is sparkling clean,

the bathroom rugs are washed,

I’m running out of things to do

so now you must be stopped.

Since I can't see you in your cloak of invisibility,

I have taped the button down

on my hand-held, battery-powered bug zapper

so it will function.

Firmly grasping it in my hand

I'm stepping outside on my porch,

waiting to zap you

to Never-never land.

By Brenda Arledge

From: United States


Instagram: brendajarledge

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