Long Way to Go

Life is a gift from God

Men’s and women’s

are all precious

“All men are created equal”

Were women included?

History has the answer

Long had they been conditioned

women in the past were born

to be submissive to men

For ages women have struggled

to reach equal rights with men

whose lives they delivered

Refused to be the second-class citizens

women rose in 19th century

fought for right to vote

finally gained ground

In this Land of Liberty

the strongest democracy in the world

a constitutional equality for women

is still not guaranteed

Equal rights amendment

proposed a century ago

prohibiting discrimination

on the basis of sex, is still waiting

to be written into the constitution

It is not for symbolic cause

nor asking for special privilege

but to annihilate gender inequality

encounters in real life

Women with less pay

for equal work as men persists

Supreme Court struck down a case

of sexual violence against a woman

as unconstitutional

Sisters, we still have a long way to go

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States