Forgetting To Cry

I've forgotten how to cry.

I used to shed a lot of tears

through the trials and tribulations

of my younger years. But nowadays,

whenever my heart breaks

from losing a loved one, or felt

lost, humiliated, frightened or alone,

the tears never come at all.

And I wonder, is this normal?

But I suppose that it's all

for the better. They say that men

aren't supposed to cry. It's seen as

weak, unmasculine, queer.

No woman would ever want

to bear children from a man with

honest tears streaming down

his cheeks or wearing his heart

on his sleeve. We men--we manly men--

are expected to present a rock hard

exterior of strength and security

at all times for our women

and children. After all, we are

the providers. The protectors.

The killers. I am not this man.

But I will do my best to play the part

if no one else will.

By George Anderson

From: United States