
Silence separates us

Echoing across spaces

Between fingertips

Which no longer touch

Whilst our souls drift as dust

Ethereal motes sinking

Specks slowly settling

Lost in the dark gap between us

Forged bonds, weakened, fray and tear

Unmooring our foundations

Rusting, splitting, sundering

As coiled time unwinds

Regrets and recriminations

Sharp as blades, cleave and part

Cutting our last connections

Loosing ties which no longer bind

Until finally, where once was one

A melding of hope and purpose

Now stands two, apart

Shooting stars, unaligned

Thus, with love’s hopes lost

Our severed hearts diverge

As we walk down different pathways

Towards distances without end

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter