
Some say I’m argumentative, but that’s just their point of view

I can see the error of their ways, their values I eschew

It’s not so much that they are wrong, but more that I am right

I struggle with my patience as I help them see the light.

They seem so quick to anger, guess I’ve touched a tender spot

My path to their enlightenment viewed as some suspicious plot

I merely try explaining how my facts and figures are

But they hide behind semantics using twisted words to spar.

“You don’t know what you’re saying!” as they stare at me wide-eyed

Understanding my position not a thought that they have tried

Derision is the sharpened tool they use to slash and cut

They point in my direction as they say, “He’s just a nut!”

I’d thought that we could just discuss, a bit of back and forth

But efforts seemed to all go South, instead of heading North

Why is communication such a devilish skill to learn

It seems my only option is the other cheek to turn.

By James Geehring

From: United States

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