Color Me Crazy

What to do, what to do…

Shut up you with your list of chores!

I’ll boot them to my nevermores!

Spit and spew is what I’ll do!


I’ve heard that word - beforedom…

A child with no stim-u-la-tion

Years lonesome and loathsome…

Years now gone. Deeply repressed…

Food, fun, minutiae to ingest

Dress to unimpress

Yeay, yeah..A mess.

What the hell! Who cares!

(and if you do, Screw You!)

A personality to share.

Ideas burst forth in flares.

Too mad to e’er be bored!

Creativity beckons and scores.

Must be busy, must be doing

To this I say Blech! and ignore

I will stare into your nothing - my everything

for hours and be just fine, 

Take you your schedule and itinerary…

Leave me my daydreaming and my blanking…

You think Do! 

                     I live Be!

Boredom? Bring it on-dom!

By Fran Pearce

From: United States