Dark Alley

The higher power is a dark realm

A pregnant egg of alluring fantasies

Laced with savages 

Of nobility of muzzled openings. 

I wish upon the cave 

Abandoned ruggedly inspired

Diabolically and Divinely

Closed off stream of a simple stare

A sudden maneuver

Peeping slowly, hooking within 

The black cuckoo is always nasty 

Her songs, mythically beautiful

Tap dance within her bosom fare 

Rides my homebody fevers. 

An abandoned alley smudged between

Practicalities mundane

My paper knife to hold my worth 

Sweepingly not to prove anything

Just a sullen sweet song 

To lie beside me the lake house ground

To build nests 

Green reds blacks ribboned whites 

Ego death of survival guide

My womanly virtue vices 

Boldness coyness 

All dived down- 

Under the cave the siren song 

The dark alley 

Allowing the evenings to drop down

Hushly steadily making no noise

The evening prayers 

Higher powers

Dark coins 

The woman, a dark alley.

By Sayani Mukherjee

From: India

Instagram: _sayani__mukherjee