Am I Answering My Me Questions?

My first serious journey searching for my true me, spiritually.


If the thoughts I interpret see not our given home

Earth, does it also mean it is not for our planet of

Inhabited ears of clay? Or am I once again answering

My me questions of questions already answered?

Then there is nothing given man that is not meant to be

Shared in some shape form or fashion, magnifying your

Wind of quickening’s life to our aliveness? One breath in

Representation of one born body of truths spoken births.

Thus, we are spiritual, historical, unifying remembrances,

Seeing again the oneness in a language that made cooperation

A well-lettered easiness. The strength in one body completely

Unified in mind of hearts eyes. The Tower Of Babble.

If the thoughts I interpret see not our given home

Earth, does it also mean it is not for our planet of

Inhabited ears of clay? Or am I once again answering

My me questions of questions already answered?

By Rodney Rollins

From: United States
