A Wish

You may think it is odd or even absurd

But I wish time could be reverted back

To when the sky was crystal clear

Vision could reach as far as eyes desire

Views unobscured by lingering brown vapor

Air fresh with scent of nature

Without soot or smoke odor

And we could breathe freely without

Air purifiers or wearing masks

Seas were pristine without clutter

Fish free to swim around no threat

Of being smothered by plastic waste

No radioactive nuclear plant poison

Leaked into the oceans

Eventually spread all around

Lands unspoiled by chemicals

No polluted farm products reached our tables

We could enjoy foods

without worrying about harm to our health

Climates predictable as seasons

Rain or snow followed the old patterns

No horrendous extreme weathers

Global warming or drought

And if it were possible to go back

Before we were consumed by avarice

We could start all over

With love to Earth

Reverence to Nature

Moderation in indulgence

Then many environmental disasters

Would be avoided

Our future brighter

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States