Common Law

Men and Women of the land can make a stand!


A trespass has been inflicted on us at birth, sent on an imaginary trip to sea and when we didn’t return to contest in 7 days, a corporation we were recreated to be...

A sovereign man or woman of the land, fictitiously “Acting” for your country, a “Service Corporation,” traded as a bond, as we are forced to pay a fee!!!

Everything of a man and woman’s, is their property and the fraudulent “Song and Dance,” to rob the titles, by a name in capital letters, means you never own your key.

We are not bound to paper and may not be trespassed upon, unless in contract, to prove a sovereign man or woman are not property, but “Common Law” free...

I’ve learned this from how “A Warrior Calls,” after 20 years of research, he gives me a place to learn more knowledge, to create my rightful identity, as me!!!

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime

Parler/Gab/Fuzia: traceydoesrhymetime