Your Memories Are All Fresh To Me

Your memories are all fresh to me

It just comes and takes me away to be free

To a far away where only the thoughts opens its arms

I just go and embrace with full heart only to be in your charms

I don't know why I long for you

Though we have crossed paths but that doesn't sew

I tried to stitch the torn memory

But the threads kept unwinding to never set us as a dearie

I have come to know you

I have accepted that you are not as what you meant to be

I thought that I should let you go

But the heart never wants me to stop my feelings for you to grow.

Though I tried to go away from your presence

But I couldn't as you kept coming to my sense

How could I ignore you

Even if I tried but it cannot happen as you are set in my memories.

Why did I meet you?

What was the purpose behind it?

I have no clue

Oh dear please let me know who I am to you

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal


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