We Are The Both

Life is grey or multi-colored, but never simply black or white.


We are the both

always competing

yet most of the time whole

When not our better self

too lazy is the good

too eager is the mean

Yet kind at random intervals

tears launched at pain

laughter loosed, tagging a passing joy

Sighs breathe in life, exhale fear

hands and lips touch

establishing We 

Then in too many ways to count

so busy with Us

that We is set to simmer

Always in some measure

disdain in the driver’s seat

kindness the back-seat driver

Despair shares a ride with hope

a dream in our pocket, fear in our gut

or is that vice-a-versa

Broken but not severed

wounded always

always healing

Until it comes that splinching

leaving us less, untreated, even then

a load no one should have to carry

Back, as if to birth

to find the lost

a new life promised

To pound at the door

for leave to enter

or to wake from the dead

Once found the work begins

labor for this new life

back, as if to birth

Better not to tempt

the one or either part to flee

better yet to keep the other’s number close

To chat from time to time

hold tight to self

holding hands to safely cross the street

Exploring that which is new to both

Or common to the shared journey

To wish the better well and the other, Godspeed

By Russell Willis

From: United States

Website: https://willisdrr63@gmail.com

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/russell.willis.1217