Trust In A Higher Calling

Trusting in a higher calling is about listening to a doctor’s words when he says you have an illness. Deciding to shut out negative thoughts. Embracing only positive ones for no one can determine the beginning or end. Covering the soul in faith accepting you are no different than you were yesterday.


Heart racing,

beads of sweat form on her brow,

feelings of anxiety

consume her thoughts,

listening to each word the doctor speaks,

a million scenarios play in her mind.

Looking at disparaging eyes,

hearing the words “I’m sorry,”

like she has a death sentence

lingering over her head,

she slams the door shut to negativity

embracing only positive thoughts.

Living each day of her life

with trust in a higher calling,

for seasons have a pathway

which no man can determine the beginning,

nor the end.

Faith covering her soul

like the quietness in the early morning,

erasing her worries

giving her strength to face each day

understanding she is no different

than she was yesterday.

By Brenda Arledge

From: United States


Instagram: brendajarledge

Twitter: aug10cj

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