Traumatically In Love With Pain

How can you sleep while I lay awake crying

My chest is tight and anxious, always impending doom

You lay there snoring and I’m slowly dying

I’ve stared at every inch of wall in this room...

The demons are getting larger, it seems they’re getting stronger

Why are you never there to protect me

I’m afraid and alone and the nights only get longer

Written in the stars.. why was so much pain meant to be...

This is what my mother warned me of so long ago...

Betrayal consuming me violently, your love abandoning me blindly

Never knowing if they are friend or foe

I never understood how love could treat me so unkindly

Paranoia driving me mad

Your seemingly untainted demeanor taunting me

Unaffected, unapologetic, unforgiving, but

Why am I the one who feels so fucking bad

From this nightmare, I just want to be free

Doesn’t it hurt you like an open wound?

The images and words playing on a loop

Yet I’m the one, paraded through town in the nude

I’m not the only sinner in this group

By Becca Hulen

From: United States