Tied in the Blue…

Tied in the Blue Roses: Pick a Petal or Two or Me and You

You graced my skin like you were my handkerchief of dreams but you held my heart like it was never cold and you made my life a story of you because you wanted me to wait for you but as the petals started to slowly become my weather of tears and made my hair want to meet the eyes of the wolf who share the same desire and had the name of blue roses painted on the petals but as you wrote the lines I tied the petals together with the roses and made you a story of love and admiration without leaving any details out of the canvas and I painted the tattoo of the wolf on my phone and made an album of what was already exposed and the heart was your last wish but I was the ink and you were the roses to my story so don’t forget who wrote the name and matched the words to the already filtered out photo that made the wolf of you and my dreams irresistible.

You may have made the words the right way to speak and never had to make a choice between life and me but you fit the description and put the puzzle pieces together like they were the canvas and I was the brushes of art but you had already wrote your name on my heart you just needed the letter to make it official even though in HighSchool we were not an exclusive couple and no one said the most likely to fall for you in the yearbook but I guess that will be our little secret.

You may have wanted the roses to fly away like the wings until they could uncover the reasons why the flowers always seemed to want to die instead of fly away but the butterfly was my wings of weakness even though the words of the story were my strength you were one of those dreams I never wanted to forget but that may have been because you were my butterfly I never wanted to fly away.

You may have gotten the words of my wings as petals but what happens when those wings become more than roses and are now blue roses from the moon, can the mystery be my clue to the missing puzzle pieces?

By Kaylee Sullivan

From: United States

Website: https://wherestoriescansparktheirmagic.wordpress.com/