Those Were the Days

Long ago were those school days

Strung up they form a pearl lace

Sparkling in my memory

Each bead unfurls a story

Bitter or sweet

So many

Pertained to that young age

Laughter was genuinely carefree

Friends shared secrets

Swore not to tell

Forgot what they were but still

Remember the punishment from our teacher

For the sake of not betraying good friends

Those youthful days

Dreams piled up sky high

Big and wild

Dare to own them

For being naïve

Goals were enormous

Mostly idealistic or unrealistic

With a belief future was unlimited

Not afraid of falling

As it was easy to bounce back

Now aged

Most dreams evanesced

Many ambitions vanished

Friendship dissipated

Yet those memory pearls never lose luster

Continue to glow like night stars

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States