The Pittsburgher

A memorial for Richard Caliguiri, Mayor of Pittsburgh 1977-1988

NOTE: Mayor Caliguiri would at times go home to shave his father, and have lunch.


Behind the glass of sky

Layers of wet

Glisten and descend

From the clouds over



and East Liberty

The morning rain

Tenderly coats

Metal rails

Embedded in cobblestone

Along the banks of the rivers

Steel mills

Become fossils

And a watery clacking of heels

Is heard on North Millvale Street

The calm

Is upon us

The spirit of Richard Caliguiri


Without pause

In this

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

The heavens of neighborhoods

Fill the guardian stars

With tenderness

And we feel it

In the corners of his mouth

The light in his eyes

Or as he shaved his father

Io amo questa cittá papa

I love this city papa

The earth grows soft tonight

Stardust coats the alley-ways

Rivers and bridges

We are able to see

The potential of humanity

In the life of

This Pittsburgher

The bells toll

Songs to the eternal

Fill the churches

And it is said

Blessed are the pure in heart

For they shall see God

And we know

By Giulio Magrini

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