The Golden Goblet

Rest your weary body

Drink from my golden goblet

The most delicate and finest of wines

A potion of wild raspberries, bitterness and jeering contempt

Assault the light that dare not shine

It is the elixir of a dispassionate heart

If you possess no fear

Taste the confectionery of sadness call

Where love frightened evades approach

Upon remembrance of the long dark fall

Sip from the golden goblet

Taste the cruel sweetness of pain

Damnation to those who denounce the motive behind the actions

Until the bed of anguish you have lain

But these rare wines have no equal in quality

Defiled by evil and cursed with shame

The unquenchable thirst for blood taints the golden rim

As the murderous night slew the rising of the day

So lift high the golden goblet and drink

An immortal taste of time

Accompany me into the world of melancholy

Where is served the most of exquisite wines

Come close now the hour when words become whispers

Demanding recompense for the crimes

By Tammy M Darby

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