The Gift of Eden

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020


The Biblical Lord God

Granted us dominion

Over all the Earth

It’s flora and fauna

ceded from Heavenly control

Trusted to us as stewards

To use wisely

We were given Eden

Beautiful, joyous, bountiful

Yet as the ages have passed

The garden has been defiled

It’s waters poisoned with our chemicals

It’s skies clouded with our emissions

It’s forests and meadows torn asunder from our destruction

All for the accumulation of “wealth” -

Not of the bounty that could sustain us

But of an artificial coin which increasingly divides us

We have squandered the gift

Failed in our stewardship

Betrayed trust

There is but little time left

To right our injustice

And preserve the splendor of the Earth

For our and future generations

But we must act

Lest the gift be lost

For having been trusted with care

Of this world

We will not be given another world to sully

“Dominion” may be read as “Responsibility”

And as “chance”

And thus

We have a responsibility

And but one chance to meet it

To exercise our dominion over the Earth

And either restore her endless harvest

Or complete her ruin

Make no mistake

Should we fail to meet this challenge

‘Twill be us exit the stage

Leaving behind a barren rock

Which would have cared for us

Had we but cared for it

By Mike Turner

From: United States


Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

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