Tea is Turning Cold

Tea is turning cold and I better get going

You would say so to

End our spirited conversation

Watching you walk away

I’d feel a bit lost

We enjoyed time together

That was many years ago

Classmates and neighbors

We were best friends since young

Without a doubt both believed

Our friendship be forever

Your intrepidity complemented

My quietness and we supported

Each other into adulthood

Then you moved far away

The distance did not thwart our closeness

Letters and phone calls bolstered our tie

Then busy lives stretched the intervals

Between our communications

Once realized many months elapsed

I called you and was stunned to hear

Your number was no longer in service

Sending a letter waiting for your reply

Weeks turned into months then years

Our bond severed

Nowhere to find you I queried

Where and how are you

Why I lost you

Thinking about you

Brewed tea sipped alone

Popped out your words

Tea got cold time to go

It dawned on me with a realization

It’s time to let go of mourning the loss

Rather cherish ever shared friendship

In my sweet memory of you

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States