
…figured this would be an easy gig. Just one of the several guys providing security for the concert. Different story if this had been a band favored by a rowdy crowd – like Metallica or the Rolling Stones. No, this one featured the pop duo Dawn and Divo, teenage heart throbs. Still, the qualification to serve as security was to be imposing. At 6’3” and 230 pounds with combat experience, Zack fit the bill. He’d been…

By John Baldwin

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…faces an unusual crisis. It must respond to terrorist’s demands, or one of its allies will suffer crippling damage. Alternative actions have been considered but rejected as too dangerous or misguided. There is only one trusted person who might provide the needed wisdom and foresight to avoid this calamity. It wouldn’t be the first time that World Leaders have turned to this woman for…

By John Baldwin

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