Soylent Green

We need the creative souls working on community grows and water filtration going forward...


Back in 1973, a movie was made called “Soylent Green,” showing the fix for starvation in the year 2022, was making the perished into protein crackers, using “Clean Up” for the obliviously unaware, as a secret hunger pill!!!

We have made it to this time and place, with 1000% excess deaths climbing daily on the graphs, so there will be no deep genocide holes dug for future exhumation, exposing evidence of an intentional “Slash,” in a massive kill...

Approval expanding on “Aqua-cremation,” liquefying our loved ones in a barrel of Lye and having us recycled through the sewer system, using our sludge as an “Organic” fertilizer/additive, to boldly flow the toxic swill...

Priming us for cannibalization through decades of time, with “Natural Flavoring” being added to the BIG name brands, experimenting on cravings for a worldwide “Gluttony” addiction of a junk food and fast food fulfill!!!

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Fuzia, The Soul Matrix and The Cultivated Fool: traceydoesrhymetime