Sensuality Equilibrium

Strangers, two men, attracted to their opposite polarities make love; one steadied by strength, the other tamed by weakness.


Sensual is his name

smelling of sweet ripe bananas

his open armpits splayed open

clasping his hands behind his head

black tufts of wild black hair similar to powder puffs rise from the massive craters of his armpits

animal like but very much human

wild not yet tamed

longing for human touch

scarred from years of being alone on flat prairie lands

naked without the protection of clothes

his body scarred from angry plants adorned with thorns

no speech flows from his vocal cords

his eyes tell a story of loneliness

responding in sounds with canyon like echoes of bass ferocity

sensual and untamed longing to be loved

atop of his massive body

gingerly i minister human touch to his strangeness

small, smooth and pale

like a feather i tickle his massive dark forested body

like a humming bird i lick sweet sticky nectar

we’re opposite poles gripping magnetically like leeches

i’m steadied by his strength

he’s tamed by my weakness

sensuality equilibrium

By The Barefoot Cajun

From: United States