
You are like a tree.

If you keep moving from one job to another, from one church to another, from one country to another, from one relationship to another or switching businesses every now and then, you won’t give yourself the opportunity to grow.

Give everything a chance.

Give that relationship a chance. Give that business a chance. Give that church a chance. Give that business idea a chance. Sometimes try those crazy fantasies and ideas in your head- one day you will look back and realize how little many things you worried about mattered.

If it finally dawns on you that you made a wrong choice, all isn’t lost like you think. Mistakes are valuable lessons you need to attain a certain level of success that is out of the reach of many.

You shouldn’t set out with the objective of making mistakes – including costly ones. Rather, make room for making mistakes in all your endeavours.

Remember you are like a tree. And like a tree, stay at one place and give yourself a chance to grow, a chance to make mistakes.

Rain will come, the sun and its heat, cold, dust, storms… but the tree remains rooted and outgrows the seasons – each season makes it taller, tougher and stronger.

But when a tree gets uprooted because it can no longer bear a particular season, it stops growing and dies. It is staying in the soil and holding on that is its only means to growing to its full potential.

So stay in there. Remain rooted. Hang in there. Hold on. You need all these seasons- dry, rainy, etc for you to truly grow into your full potential.

By Benjamin Nambu

From: Ghana


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