Queer As Punk

We sing and dance the following:

We reject the shallow call for reproduction for the sake of freedom,

We embrace our partners, friends, and family with free love,

We transform our iron-maiden forms into bodies we thrive in,

We shatter the gender-cages with our drags and dresses.

Our existence is the definition of defiance

When tyranny and dictatorship demand heterosexuality to be default!

Our loves are the ultimate revolution

As the straight oppression attempts to slaughter us into silence.

Our freedom is the destined apocalypse

For the evil empires that could only crumble with their tight control.

No matter how much you shame us for being different,

No matter how much you condemn us for being ourselves,

No matter how much you infect with sanitized stereotypes of queerness,

We’re natural-born punks that will overthrow tyranny just by living and loving!

By Dana Trick

From: United States

Website: https://www.deviantart.com/silencedbook9