Please Set Me Free

When I must leave  please set me free

On a day as sweet as this

A scent of Spring on a breath of air

Bright Sun and cloudless skies

Let me take myself to a Cherry tree

To sit against the trunk

Amid the soft emerging leaves

Let me close my tired eyes

To dream of all the Springs I've known

The miracles I've seen

Along the path I chose to tread

At Mother Nature's side

In company with all that lives

I have sensed her angel's touch

She held my hand, she urged me on,

In everything I tried

To do her will, to serve her need

With every stumbling step

And now I sit beside my tree

So peaceful and so calm

With no regrets, no mournful loss

No reason to resist

If epitaph might ease your heart 

Then say 'he did no harm'.

By Ranger CR

From: United Kingdom
