Our Way Is PMA

Mike Colomb at thepmateam.club is informing of options for change


If we ask for solutions, we shall receive, with the creative human spirit, we are always planting expansive seeds, for a financial vehicle to meet a longing or need...

I have run across the most brilliant suggestion, that all those that want a new health, wealth and human connection, can play their part, in a community feed!!!

This option is already in existence, with businesses formed in the structure of a “Private Membership Association,” without license, taxes, or jurisdiction to heed!!!

This is where we LIBERATE and what we lack, will erect, as we are shown the sweetness of life to expect, so now is the time to learn from those already in the lead...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Parler, Fuzia and The Soul Matrix: traceydoesrhymetime