Not A Secret Vice

Gluttony on a national level is not the answer to global thinking.


“So; you're saying the forecast is bad.”

The four degrees Celsius kind, my lad.

“Really? Fossil fuels and factory farming?”

Overconsumption, overcombustion; it's quite alarming.

“Hmmph. What’s the worst we're looking at?”

Common sense runs thin, we all run too fat.

“Any chance we can avert?”

Hah. Headlong to a world of hurt.

“Guess no sense paying down debt.”

Nope: at least ice was nice, while it lasted.

“How much will we lose?”

The coasts and south, be singing underwater blues.

“What about the rest?”

Northern heartland will have it best.

“And outside Fortress ‘Murica?”

China, India, Bangladesh lose land for a billion

Egypt, London, Buenos, Venice; gone

Australia and Mexico get their inland sea games on.

“So, we need strong borders and a wall!”

Keep out riff raff, more debt to pay for it all.

“But we won't have to repay if it all goes to hell.”

Welcome to the Third Circle, before the U.S. fell.

By David M. Hoenig

From: United States


Twitter: @authordmhoenig