Memories Keep You Afloat...

Memories Keep You Afloat Until You’re Home Again

I’ve talked about the pain

I’ve described graphically the scars left behind

I’ve searched for breath in closing lungs

I’ve searched for truth while being suffocated by lies

But I haven’t told you why I did it

Because he looked at me and stared into my soul

Because his touch resurrected a dying spirit

Because from the moment I met him I no longer felt alone in this world

Because the only thing I’ve been sure of is I need to be close to him.. close to home

Learning him was calculus being taught in mandarin

Loving him was being infantry in the middle of a war

Leaving him felt like dying

My memories left me when he did

Finding my way back following the breadcrumbs and suddenly an explosion of flashbacks

The good

The bad

The gory

The explicit

But my heart started beating

The color came back to my face

My mind started seeing clearly again

When you can’t take the screaming of the silence you simply must speak

You can’t explain it to people with no magic

Our souls are bound together from one eternity to the next

He can’t look around his house without seeing me

I can’t look at my body without seeing him

Our memories are everywhere.

By Becca Hulen

From: United States