Looking for You

If the day is clear and

My vision can reach far down the road

Where it converges into a pin dot

Then I will go to the place we parted

To look for you

Like an arrow shot from a bow

Headlong you hurried forward

and never looked back that day

Leaving me hollowed with sorrow

And those tears still warm on my face

If down the end of the road

I see no inkling of you

Then I will search for you in my memory

An ocean of unfathomable depth

The image of you from bygone days

Might have been driven away by the dark current

Or sunken down to the seabed

But still I will dive deep to look for you

Even if only your tattered form left

If still can’t find you in my memory

I then will search for you in my dreams

When time is proper and mood brewed

Out of blue you might appear in

the nebulous night heaven

So I am going to fall into a deep slumber

And let it take me over the moon

By Shih-Fang Wang

From: United States