Loneliness and Solitude

There is a difference

Between loneliness and solitude

Loneliness being a disquiet

A desperation

That feeling that one has been abandoned


Is unwanted


Solitude, by contrast, imparting a sense of the serene

A calmness

That realization that one is secure


At peace

They share one aspect:

That of being alone

Not necessarily removed from human connection

But apart from it

As one can be lonely within a crowded room

Where friends seem as strangers

As it feels all have turned away

And none care

Yet one too can feel solace

As in a quiet library

Possessed of solid furniture of oak and leather

Dust motes settling in a shaft of sun

The scent of books and glue and binding

In the comforting presence

Of words and thoughts and imagination

Where you feel that it is you

Who have turned away from others

And found with introspection

The gentle strength of being

At the warm center of your soul

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Twitter: SchoonerSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter