Inspiration Imitation…

Inspiration Imitation (remix version)

I didn’t copy it—

It was a reference.

I didn’t imitate it—

It was a tribute.

I didn’t steal it—

It was an inspiration.

Passed on for ages and

Honed by generations,

All the themes, tales, tones, textures—

All share the footsteps together,

Connecting the forever-shattered mess of humanity

In intertwining webs of wonder.

This is the trade of inspiration,

Oh, creature of copyright

With your cornucopia of restrictions.

I am still a virgin, still an overeager student,

I needed guidance, I needed examples

To create new wonder, to create new styles—

But I’m never a thief.

Cease your accusations,

Halt your torrent of treason,

I am a creature of creation,

Burdened by blocking boredom.

I need to create,

I need to make,

I need to inspire.

How can I steal something

If it was already made with

My own blood, soul, and song?

By Dana Trick

From: United States